16:00 Advanced Building Skin Design 2

Chair: Negar Kalantar, Department of Architecture, Texas A&M University, USA

Design strategies associated with transformability in building skins
  • Key knowledge exchanges within the design process
  • Adaptable design strategies for a better sustainable environment
  • Connections between motion, buildings, and their environment

Negar Kalantar, Department of Architecture, Texas A&M University, USA

Technical constrains and strategies for building envelope design
  • Design key points focused on site coordination and refurbishment projects
  • Thermal and CFD calculation for optimizing global envelope performance
  • Design optimization to simplify blast and fire resistant façades

Raul Corrales Marcos, Bureau d’Ingénieurs Fenêtres & Façades SA, Switzerland

Dynamic simulation software as a design tool
  • Innovative organic building materials
  • Thermal behaviour of different building techniques and materials
  • Strengths and weaknesses of selected simulation software

Rosalie Menon, Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Dynamic simulations of different façade designs
  • Dynamic simulation on TRNSYS
  • Retrofitting design concepts focusing on the transparent part of the building envelope
  • Benefits, limitations and specific parameters of retrofitting concepts

Sabina Jordan, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Slovenia

Physical mesh data structures for building skins
  • Quad-edge data structures for building skin construction
  • Methodologies to construct free-form building envelopes
  • Building skins as cyclically woven objects

Ergun Akleman, Department of Visualization, Texas A&M University, USA

17:30 End of Conference Day 1