Day 2, Session Block E
08:30 Solar Shading Systems for Enhanced Daylight Control
Chair: Feride Şener Yılmaz, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
- Novel daylighting control strategy
- Performances of two dielectric compound parabolic concentrators
Meng TIAN, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
- Upgrading of building envelope performances
- Solar shadings integration
- Comparative simulation of energy performances
Antonio Basti, University of Chieti, Pescara, Italy
- Designing an advanced louver system for commercial buildings
- Daylight performance in workplaces
- Advanced louver system and daylight performance
Feride Şener Yılmaz, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
- Auf geografische Lage optimierter, blendfreier Sonnenschutzrost
- Untersuchungen der strahlungsphysikalischen Kennwerte
- Möglichkeit der individuellen Formfindung und Fertigung
Daniel Kleineher, kleineher+partner, Saarbrücken, Germany
Brief Presentations on Daylighting
Michael Jakubowsky, TU Dortmund, Germany
10:00 Coffee Break