, Session Block B2
16:15 Performance of the Building Envelope
Chair: Brian Koh, Integra, Seoul, South Korea
Design guidelines for additive manufactured performative façade
- Geometric design for sustainable high-performative façade
- Optimized fabrication for integrative façade
- Shading informed façade design
Bio-adaptive building skins for better building performance
- Relationship between biomimicry and adaptive skins
- Translation of biomimicry processes into architectural skins
- Geometries and performance of bio-adaptive building skins
Classrooms walls and mean radiant temperature in Mediterranean climate
- Classroom wall retrofits in coastal Mediterranean climate
- Retrofitting methods to improve MRT and student comfort
- Construction materials to improve wall performance
Phase change material system for improving housing in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- Modelling of PCM
- Simulation in EnergyPlus
- Optimal location of PCM wallboard
nZEB renovation with a smart hybrid envelope system
- Research overview
- Results from the testbed
- nZEB renovation - Case study
Brief Presentations
Renovation variants of historical box-windows and their energy performance
Model-based evaluation of architectural heat mitigation strategies
17:45 – 19:45 Evening Reception