Conference Program ADVANCED BUILDING SKINS 2015

Sessions Day 1

Sessions Day 2

Session Block A Session Block B Session Block C Session Block D Session Block E Sessions in German
4A BIPV 4 - Architectural Integration of Solar Technologies into the Building Skin 4B Energy-Efficient Building Refurbishment 4C Improving the Envelope Performance with Materials 4D Sustainable Cities: New Developments and Practical Operation 4E Digital Fabrication and Material Systems of the Building Envelope 4F Optimierung des Gebäude-Designs mit Simulationen des Gebäude- energieverbrauchs
5A BIPV 5 - Innovative Business Models and Financing Mechanisms for PV Deployment 5B Performance-based Retrofit of the Building Envelope 5C New Materials for Energy-efficient Building Envelopes 5D Sustainable Cities: New Developments and Practical Operation 5E Parametric Design and Simulation of the Building Envelope 5F Materialien für Ökologische und Energieeffiziente Gebäudehüllen
6A BIPV 6 - From Design Concepts to Real Buildings: How Stakeholders Envision BIPV 6B Envelope Performance Simulation and Modeling 6C Super Insulating Materials in Building Components and Systems 6D Strategies and Policies to Improve the Energy Performance of Buildings 6E Membranes for High Performance Building Skins 6F
7A Architectural Integration of Solar Thermal Technologies into the Building Skin 7B Building Energy Performance Simulation and Modeling 7C Aerogel-based Solutions for the Building Envelope 7D Balancing Performance, Cost, and Maintenance: Designing Building Envelopes for Affordable Housing 7E Natural and Mixed Ventilation for Increased Comfort and Energy Saving 7F

The conference will be held in English and German languages. The registration fee of 680 EUR includes the conference proceedings (full manuscripts of all papers), two lunches and all coffee breaks.
