10.45 Integrating Solar Thermal Systems into the Building Skin
Chair: Roberto Garay Martinez, Tecnalia, Spain
- Architectural integration issues and solar systems characteristics affecting integration quality
- Derived solar thermal products “integrability” features
- From solar thermal collectors integration to complete active envelope systems
Maria Cristina Munari Probst, LESO-PB, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Integrated solar thermal systems in sandwich panel constructions
- Assessment of modular glazed solar thermal envelopes
- Multi-source heat pumps coupled with solar-thermal façades
Roberto Garay Martinez, Tecnalia, Spain
- Integration into ventilated façade systems
- Numerical assessment
- Experimental assessment in test bench
Paul Bonnamy, Nobatek, France
- Lab-scale prototypes of adaptive façade panels for experimental validation
- Control algorithms to optimize solar energy harvesting and storage
- Thermosiphon vertical integration into façades
Timea Béjat, CEA LITEN, France
- Durable high-temperature façade-integrated solar air heater technology
- Freedom to vary color, texture and panel geometry
Richard Hall, Energy Transitions Limited, Pontypridd, United Kingdom
12:30 Lunch