16:00 Integrating PV as Shading Device
Chair: Seung-Ho Yoo, Architectural Environment Lab, Sehan University, South Korea
Individual autonomous blind control system with PV-slat sensors
- Adaptable autonomous blind control system for an individual window
- Electricity from PV to operate the blind control system
Han Li, Kyushu University, Japan
Two visions for adaptive solar lightweight structures
- Expressive and spatial potentials of kinetic solar façades
- Combining passive shading with active PV energy production
- Integrating design knowledge with interdisciplinary student team
Timo Carl, University of Kassel, Germany
PV modules as static solar shadings
- Calibration of a building model
- Parametric optimization of passive static shadings
- Retrofit of a paleontological site in Rome
Marco Lovati, Eurac research, Bolzano, Italy
Parametric design of an adaptive solar façade
- Adaptive shading and PV electricity generation over glazed surfaces
- Two degrees-of-freedom pneumatic actuation of lightweight PV panels on building façades
- Construction of full-scale adaptive solar façade
Prageeth Jayathissa, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
BIPV system as a shading device
- Ecological PV design methods
- Multi-purpose characteristics of PV shading devices for building façades
Seung-Ho Yoo, Sehan University, South Korea
17:30 End of Conference Day 1